thuti example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word thuti usage in english sentences. The examples of thuti are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., blessing, prayer, supplication, invocation, devotion, intercession, grace, pray, praise, glory, invocation.

A good manager directs through praise and criticism in such a way that it brings out the best in the employee.

The townspeople are all praise for its architect Kunjaramallan Rajaraja Perunthachchan who has proudly carved his name on the temple wall.
Rulers built temples to demonstrate their devotion to various deities.
If suitable rewards are given and supervisor gives positive encouragement and praise for the good work done, the worker may slowly develop positive attitude towards the work.
Your teachers and parents praise and/ or criticise you.
A faint light appeared in the east and the morning call for prayer came from a distant mosque.
(making a face) Who, Lieutenant? Me, Lieutenant? (saluting) For the glory of Mars, Oop! Yes, of course! (unhappily) Immediately.
Such intense devotion or love of God is the legacy of various kinds of bhakti and Sufi movements that have evolved since the eighth century.
Others felt attracted to the idea of a Supreme God who could deliver humans from such bondage if approached with devotion (or bhakti).
Eventually the Puranas also laid down that it was possible for devotees to receive the grace of God regardless of their caste status.
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