devayu example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word devayu usage in english sentences. The examples of devayu are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., saintlike, sainted, holy, sacred, religious, devotional, spiritual, scriptural, pietistical, almighty, the almighty, lord, god, maker, deity, god, the deity, divinity, power.

Manuscripts dealt with all kinds of subjects: religious beliefs and practices, the lives of kings, medicine and science.पाण्डुलिपियों में धार्मिक मान्यताओं व व्यवहारों, राजाओं के जीवन, औषधियों तथा विज्ञान आदि सभी प्रकार के विषयों की चर्चा मिलती है|

Psychologists, counsellors, politicians, social workers, and religious leaders are likely to possess high interpersonal intelligence.
Philosophers and spiritual leaders present examples of this type of intelligence.
These histories began with the rule of the first Governor-General, Warren Hastings, and ended with the last iceroy, Lord Mountbatten.
It provides an excellent example of religious coexistence.
At twelve, he was sent away for schooling in the Hindu sacred scriptures and four years later he returned home to marry a princess.
The Buddha preached his first sermon at the city of Benares, most holy of the dipping places on the River Ganges; that sermon has been preserved and is given here.
These people married amongst the locals and their culture is apparent in the martial traditions, marriage and religious rites, which are distinct from the Hindu mainstream.
Special low-priced student edition, in connection with the 50th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution , I paid fifty paise and picked up a copy of the book, The God That Failed.
The establishment of the Parsi Gymkhana became a precedent for other Indians who in turn established clubs based on the idea of religious community.
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