dhanaaharan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word dhanaaharan usage in english sentences. The examples of dhanaaharan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., withdrawal.

Social reactions, such as withdrawal from others, getting into conflict with others, having frequent arguments with even loved ones, and feeling rejected or left out.

Confrontative action against the stressor (figureht) or withdrawal from the threatening event (flight) are two general categories of behavioural responses.
This marked the withdrawal of the water mass from the coastlines of the landmasses in the south and southeast Asia.
The first indication that tsunami is approaching is the rapid withdrawal of water from the coastal region, followed by destructive wave.
When a family has to live on a bare subsistence level there is a general decline in its health status and rising withdrawal from the school system.
Similarly, for a stationery merchant, stationery is goods, whereas for others it is an item of expense (not purchases) Withdrawal of money and/or goods by the owner from the business for personal use is known as drawings.
In substance dependence, there is intense craving for the substance to which the person is addicted, and the person shows tolerance, withdrawal symptoms and compulsive drug-taking.
They also experience withdrawal responses when they stop drinking.
Most abusers further develop a dependence on heroin, revolving their lives around the substance, building up a tolerance for it, and experiencing a withdrawal reaction when they stop taking it.
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