navakaarikaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word navakaarikaa usage in english sentences. The examples of navakaarikaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., dame, female, she.

He would catch a female monarch, take her eggs, and raise them in his basement through their life cycle, from egg to caterpillar to pupa to adult butterfly.

Ovary is the primary female sex organ which produces one ovum during each menstrual cycle.
Estrogens produce wide ranging actions such as stimulation of growth and activities of female secondary sex organs, development of growing ovarian follicles, appearance of female secondary sex characters (e.g., high pitch of voice, etc.
Estrogen stimulates growth and development of female accessory sex organs and secondary sex characters.
In Indian society, medical advice by or for a female is often delayed because of various reasons — they are less valued, or because of the belief that they are hardy, or the shame associated with the disease.
A flower may have either the male part or the female part or both male and female parts.
The stamens are the male reproductive part and the pistil is the female reproductive part.
Both the male and the female unisexual flowers may be present in the same plant or in different plants.
The process of fusion of male and female gametes (to form a zygote) is called fertilisation.
Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of male and female gametes.
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