naathita example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word naathita usage in english sentences. The examples of naathita are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., blessing, prayer, supplication, invocation, devotion, intercession, grace, pray, recommendation, instance, request.

Rulers built temples to demonstrate their devotion to various deities.

According to the recommendation of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
To avoid such problems, the IUPAC has made recommendation that until a new element s discovery is proved, and its name is officially recognized, a systematic nomenclature be derived directly from the atomic number of the element using the numerical roots for 0 and numbers 1- These are shown in Table The roots are put together in order of digits.
Then one day The Boss closed down the Story Department and this was perhaps the only instance in all human history where a lawyer lost his job because the poets were asked to go home.
We never pause to think what things were like a century ago; or how people in different societies see these everyday things food and clothing for instance differently.
Some rocks, for instance limestone, consist of a single mineral only, but majority of the rock consist of several minerals in varying proportions.
By contrast, we also find examples of people damaging or destroying the environment, which is a negative instance of the instrumental perspective.
Here, at the instance of a far-seeing forest officer, A.
A faint light appeared in the east and the morning call for prayer came from a distant mosque.
Autonomous and Accommodating Transactions: International economic transactions are called autonomous when transactions are made independently of the state of the BoP (for instance due to profit motive).
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