naamaavalee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest नामावली naamaavalee news and headlines :
1. बीएलओ को दी नामावली प्रपत्र भरने के निर्देश LiveHindustan2. निर्वाचक नामावली से हटे डुप्लीकेट मतदाता LiveHindustan3. निर्वाचक नामावली पुनरीक्षण में बीएलओ जुटे LiveHindustan
Usage and Example of naamaavalee 1. कई महाशयों ने स्वरचित ग्रंथों की नामावली लिखी थी, मानो देश में लेखकों और पंडितों ही की आवश्कता है। 2. कई महाशयों ने स्वरचित ग्रंथों की नामावली लिखी थी, मानो देश में लेखकों और पंडितों ही की आवश्कता है। 3. ये वार्ताएं तब तक सहजता से चलती रहीं जब तक कि राज्यपाल तथा मुख्यमंत्री की नामावली को लेकर इन्हें आघात नहीं पहुंचा। 4. उन्हीं में से एक हैं मां सरस्वती की द्वादश नामावली स्तुति।

Given are the examples of hindi word naamaavalee usage in english sentences. The examples of naamaavalee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., roll.

This list is officially called the Electoral Roll and is commonly known as the oters List.

The world s first cricket club was formed in Hambledon in the1760s and the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) was founded in 178 During the 1760s and 1770s it became common to pitch the ball through the air rather than roll it along the ground.
During the 1760s and 1770s it became common to pitch the ball through the air, rather than roll it along the ground.
The beads roll down and the spoon vibrates to make a sound.
Immediately he put the porridge pot on the fire and gave him supper; then he carved off such a big slice from his tobacco roll that it was enough both for the stranger's pipe and his own.
As a result, in its orbital motion it appears to roll on its side.
This list is officially called the Electoral Roll and is commonly known as the oters' List.
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