nukasaan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest नुक़सान nukasaan news and headlines :
1. बंदर तो मात्र अपना नुक़सान करता है किंतु किशोर अवस्था के युवक तथा युवतियां अपने साथ दूसरों को भी नुक़सान पहुंचाते हैं bhaskar.comUsage and Example of nukasaan 1. शहरी निवासियों के मुक़ाबले किसानों और काश्तकारों को ज़्यादा नुक़सान हुआ। 2. इस बात से फ्रांस और इंग्लैंड चिंतित हो गए जो की पिछली लड़ाई में काफ़ी नुक़सान उठा चुके थे। 3. तो वह बोले, 'मुश्किल तो बहुत है रमेश पर आज़मा लेने में नुक़सान भी नहीं है। 4. ’ दीपक बोला, ‘ पर मुनमुन एक बात बताऊं कि थोड़ा झुक जाने में कोई नुक़सान नहीं है। 5. इसका कुछ नुक़सान भी हुआ और कुछ फ़ायदा भी।

Given are the examples of hindi word nukasaan usage in english sentences. The examples of nukasaan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., lose, damage.

When people feel that they are not likely to lose their jobs, they may become complacent.

In such a situation, the ruling parties do not lose elections.
The ruling parties routinely lose elections in India both at the national and state level.
In India about half of the sitting MPs or MLAs lose elections.
Candidates who are known to have spent a lot of money on buying votes and those with known criminal connections often lose elections.
Eventually I began to lose interest in tagging butterflies.
A quantitative measure of the tendency of an element to lose electron is given by its Ionization Enthalpy.
When such events take place, people suddenly lose all their possessions and have to face poverty.
The enterprises might lose business and may be unable to earn profit.
At the beginning of the final stage of mitosis, i.e., telophase, the chromosomes that have reached their respective poles decondense and lose their individuality.
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