pakhuvaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word pakhuvaa usage in english sentences. The examples of pakhuvaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., background, back, flank, armpit.

Her grandmother had grown the squash, pumpkin and beans in the little garden plot at the back of her house.स्क्वॉश, कद्दू और बीन्स उसकी नानी ने अपने घर के पिछवाड़े के छोटे से बगीचे में ही उगाया था|

It was so warm, so bright! The birds were chirping at the edge of the woods; and in the open field back of the sawmill the Prussian soldiers were drilling.
But the thing that surprised me most was to see, on the back benches that were always empty, the village people sitting quietly like ourselves; old Hauser, with his three-cornered hat, the former mayor, the former postmaster, and several others besides.
Poor man! It was in honour of this last lesson that he had put on his fine Sunday clothes, and now I understood why the old men of the village were sitting there in the back of the room.
Down there at the back of the room old Hauser had put on his spectacles and, holding his primer in both hands, spelled the letters with them.
In the background you see the outer wall of an Indian palace, while in the foreground, seated on horseback is the third son of Queen ictoria of Britain, Prince Arthur, who was given the title Duke of Connaught.
For example, moneylenders in the informal sector that you read about in Chapter 3 adopt various tricks to bind the borrower: they could make the producer sell the produce to them at a low rate in return for a timely loan; they could force a small farmer like Swapna to sell her land to pay back the loan.
So he wrote to Dr Urquhart for ideas, and back came a stack of suggestions for experiments.
The following summer, after his freshman year at Harvard University, Ebright went back to the laboratory of the Department of Agriculture and did more work on the hormone from the gold spots.
The introduction of Rationing in India dates back to the 1940s against the backdrop of the Bengal famine.
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