parimandal example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of parimandal 1. तथापि केरल परिमण्डल में ही इसी प्रकार के मामलों में जैसे श्री फरियम। 2. इच्छा की ; अधीक्षक अभियन्ता, डा.ता. सिविल परिमण्डल। 3. संचार , केरल परिमण्डल के आश्वासन के आधार पर कि संस्थापन। 4. बिहार परिमण्डल में, १९७९-८० से १९८३-८४ के दौरान, विभाग ने, सुरक्षा।

Given are the examples of hindi word parimandal usage in english sentences. The examples of parimandal are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., atmosphere.

This requires establishing an atmosphere that encourages employees to do their best.

The atmosphere that surrounds the earth is not of the same thickness at all heights.
The lowest region of atmosphere in which the human beings along with other organisms live is called troposphere.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is released into the atmosphere by respiration, burning of fossil fuels for energy, and by decomposition of limestone during the manufacture of cement.
Just as the glass in a greenhouse holds the sun's warmth inside, atmosphere traps the sun's heat near the earth's surface and keeps it warm.
Acid rain refers to the ways in which acid from the atmosphere is deposited on the earth's surface.
Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur which are acidic in nature can be blown by wind along with solid particles in the atmosphere and finally settle down either on the ground as dry deposition or in water, fog and snow as wet deposition.
Particulates in the atmosphere may be viable or non-viable.
Oxygen reaches water either through atmosphere or from the process of photosynthesis carried out by many aquatic green plants during day light.
A large number of other compounds that are used regularly in chemical and industrial processes for manufacturing activities are finally released in the atmosphere in one or other form.
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