paartanar example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
4. 'हेल्थ साइकोलॉजी' में पब्लिश एक नई रिसर्च में सामने आया है कि खुश रहने वाला जीवनसाथी अपने पार्टनर को भी कई गंभीर बीमारियों और लगभग सभी तरह के अवसादों से दूर रखता हैlivehindustan.com5. लाइफ पार्टनर है खुशमिजाज़ तो दूर रहेंगी बीमारियां, होंगे ये फायदेlivehindustan.com6. 29वें साल में अपने साथी को धोखा देते हैं लोग, ढूंढते हैं नया पार्टनरlivehindustan.com7. पार्टनर को गले लगाने से सिर्फ प्यार ही नहीं बढ़ता बल्कि आप कई गंभीर बीमारियों से भी बचे रहते हैंamarujala.com8. पार्टनर को खुलकर गले लगाइए, इन बीमारियों से दूर रहेंगे amarujala.com9. गले लगाने या आलिंगन करने की स्टाइल से आप जान सकते हैं कि आपका पार्टनर आपको कितना प्यार करता हैamarujala.com10. गले लगाने के अंदाज से नापिए पार्टनर का प्यार amarujala.comUsage and Example of paartanar 1. ऐसे में, डेस्टिनेशन ऐसा होना चाहिए कि पार्टनर और फैमिली दोनों एन्जॉय कर सकें और एक-दूसरे के साथ कम्फर्टेबल भी रहें। 2. अगर आपके पार्टनर या फैमिली को एनिमल, समुद्र और साफ-खुला वातावरण पसंद है तो हांगकांग का यह पार्क परफेक्ट है। 3. थीम पार्क के अलावा यहां पर आपको दुनिया के बेस्ट वाटर पार्क टाइफून लैगून एंड ब्लिजार्ड बीच पर भी आप फैमिली और पार्टनर के साथ एन्जॉय कर सकते हैं। 4. ऐसे ही एक समाचार पत्र के मालिकान में तीन भाई पार्टनर थे। 5. आप रिलैक्स होते हैं और आपकी अपने पार्टनर के साथ इमोशनल बॉन्डिंग मजबूत होती है।
It may be noted that the private property of the partner does not include the personal properties of his wife and children.
For this purpose, a Realisation Account is prepared to ascertain the net effect (profit or loss) of realisation of assets and payment of liabilities which may be is transferred to partner s capital accounts in their profit sharing ratio.
In the context of settlement of accounts among the partners there is still another important aspect to be noted, i.e., when a partner is unable to contribute towards the deficiency of his capital account (the account finally showing a debit balance), he/she is said to be insolvent, and the sum not recoverable is treated as capital loss for the firm.
When realisation expenses are paid by a partner on behalf of the firm.
When a partner has agreed to undertake the dissolution work for an agreed remuneration bear the realisation expenses.
Suri Nambuthiri, desperate to find a partner for himself, finally marries a poorer relation from the same family and goes away pretending that he has married Indulekha! Chandu Menon clearly wanted his readers to appreciate the new values of his hero and heroine and criticise the ignorance and immorality of Suri Nambuthiri.
A coalition partner in the state of Maharashtra in alliance with the Congress.
Since the local partner also contributes to the equity capital of such a venture, the international firm finds it financially less burdensome to expand globally.
This can be avoided by sharing costs and/or risks with a local partner under joint venture agreements.Latest पार्टनर paartanar news and headlines :
1. रियल लाइफ पार्टनर करण के साथ इस फिल्म में काम करेंगी बिपाशाlivehindustan.com2. बॉलीवुड दबंग सलमान खान और डांसिंग किंग गोविंदा सिल्वर स्क्रीन पर फिर से पार्टनर बन सकते हैंlivehindustan.com3. पार्टनर से इंटिमेट होने का पहला कदम चुंबन हैamarujala.comGiven are the examples of hindi word paartanar usage in english sentences. The examples of paartanar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., partner.
The private property of any partner shall be applied first in payment of his private debts and the surplus, if any, may be utilised for payment of the firm s debts, in case the firm s liabilities exceed the firm s assets.
It may be noted that the private property of the partner does not include the personal properties of his wife and children.
For this purpose, a Realisation Account is prepared to ascertain the net effect (profit or loss) of realisation of assets and payment of liabilities which may be is transferred to partner s capital accounts in their profit sharing ratio.
In the context of settlement of accounts among the partners there is still another important aspect to be noted, i.e., when a partner is unable to contribute towards the deficiency of his capital account (the account finally showing a debit balance), he/she is said to be insolvent, and the sum not recoverable is treated as capital loss for the firm.
When realisation expenses are paid by a partner on behalf of the firm.
When a partner has agreed to undertake the dissolution work for an agreed remuneration bear the realisation expenses.
Suri Nambuthiri, desperate to find a partner for himself, finally marries a poorer relation from the same family and goes away pretending that he has married Indulekha! Chandu Menon clearly wanted his readers to appreciate the new values of his hero and heroine and criticise the ignorance and immorality of Suri Nambuthiri.
A coalition partner in the state of Maharashtra in alliance with the Congress.
Since the local partner also contributes to the equity capital of such a venture, the international firm finds it financially less burdensome to expand globally.
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