paisa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest पैसा paisa news and headlines :
1. रांची: नक्सलियों के खाते में 55 करोड़,लेवी का पैसा होता था जमाlivehindustan.com2. इन 5 तरीकों से मिनटों में पता करें PF अकाउंट में है कितना पैसाlivehindustan.com3. गुड़गांव में स्टेट बैंक की एक ब्रांच में अपना पैसा जमा कराने आए या निकालने आए हजारों लोगों में शामिल हैं अठ्हत्तर साल के रिटायर्ड फौजी नंद लाल
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Given are the examples of hindi word paisa usage in english sentences. The examples of paisa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., money, bean, funds, capital, brass, charge, gold, the wherewithal, loot, means, copper, bread, dough.

This means constantly providing direction and motivation to her employees.

This means organising more funds and recruiting more artisans.
Management is a very popular term and has been used extensively for all types of activities and mainly for taking charge of different activities in any enterprise.
Process in the definition means the primary functions or activities that management performs to get things done.
Being effective or doing work effectively basically means finishing the given task.
Efficiency means doing the task correctly and with minimum cost.
Management translates this work in terms of goals to be achieved and assigns the means to achieve it.
Managing people has two dimensions it implies dealing with employees as individuals with diverse needs and behavior; it also means dealing with individuals as a group of people.
Growth of a business can be measured in terms of sales volume increase in the number of employees, the number of products or the increase in capital investment, etc.
It is generally seen that individuals in an organisation resist change as it often means moving from a familiar, secure environment into a newer and more challenging one.
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