bhissaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word bhissaa usage in english sentences. The examples of bhissaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., rice, boiled rice, croquette, conjee.

The places where rice was first grown are to the north of the Vindhyas.जहाँ सबसे पहले चावल उपजाया गया वे स्थान विंध्य के उत्तर में स्थित थे|

Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, on the other hand, recorded significant increases in rice yield.
What is Buffer stock? Buffer Stock is the stock of foodgrains, namely wheat and rice procured by the government through Food Corporation of India (FCI).
The FCI purchases wheat and rice from the farmers in states where there is surplus production.
the stock of wheat and rice with FCI was 63 million tonnes which was much more than the minimum buffer norms of 2 3 million tonnes.
Moreover, as the procurement is concentrated in a few prosperous regions (Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and to a lesser extent in West Bengal) and mainly of two crops wheat and rice increase in MSP has induced farmers, particularly in surplus states, to divert land from production of coarse grains, which is the staple food of the poor, to the production of rice and wheat.
The intensive utilisation of water in the cultivation of rice has also led to environmental degradation and fall in the water level, threatening the sustainability of the agricultural development in these states.
In Madhya Pradesh only 5% of wheat and rice consumption of the poor are met through the ration shops.
Fish culture is sometimes done in combination with a rice crop, so that fish are grown in the water in the paddy field.
There is no equitable distribution of water, thus people close to the source grow water intensive crops like sugarcane and rice while people farther downstream do not get any water.
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