raahat example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest राहत raahat news and headlines :
सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र की तेल कंपनियों ने आम आदमी को राहत दी हैlivehindustan.comहवाई यात्रा के दौरान कई स्तर की चैकिंग से परेशान यात्रियों के लिए एक राहत भरी खबर हैlivehindustan.comनोटबंदी के फैसले के बाद लोगों को नकदी रहित लेनदेन की ओर ले जाने की कवायद में जुटी केंद्र सरकार के लिए यह राहत भरा आंकड़ा हैlivehindustan.com'वरदा' के कहर से 7 की मौत दो लापता, राहत व बचाव कार्य जारीlivehindustan.com'वरदा' के कहर से 4 की मौत दो लापता, राहत व बचाव कार्य जारीlivehindustan.com
Usage and Example of raahat 1. उसने राहत की साँस ली। 2. उन्हें राहत प्रदान करने के लिए वे वहाँ भी जाना चाहते थे। 3. बीच में कुछ समय तक कुछ राहत थी पर अब फिर सब कुछ वापस आ गया है। 4. यही राहत आलस्य का रूप है। 5. सारे मोहल्ले ने राहत की सांस ली।

Given are the examples of hindi word raahat usage in english sentences. The examples of raahat are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., escape, alleviation, relief, rescue, succour, succor.

Men and women moved in search of livelihood, as also to escape from natural disasters like floods or droughts.कभी लोग काम की तलाश में तो कभी प्राकृतिक आपदाओं के कारण एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान जाया करते थे|

At present, there are several Poverty Alleviation Programmes (PAPs), mostly in rural areas, which have an explicit food component also.
The stock eased after 2002 03 due to relief opertations undertaken by the goverment as the year was declared as drought year due to failure of monsoon.
In addition to PDS, various poverty alleviation programmes were also started which comprised a component of food security.
Playing cricket in the privacy of these clubs was more than just fun: it was also an escape from the strangeness, discomfort and danger of their stay in India.
This kind of waste material should be destroyed or burned through special techniques, and the smoke should not be allowed to escape into the air that people breathe.
Often, the very first step involves providing material relief in the form of food, clothing, medical help, shelter, and financial help.
The Indian branch of this organisation has been working for poverty alleviation in our country.
But, if these efforts towards poverty alleviation are continued in the right spirit and right direction, we may see positive results in the very near future.
This novel shows a young man from an 'untouchable' caste, leaving his village to escape the cruelty of his Brahmin landlord.
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