vaallabhya example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word vaallabhya usage in english sentences. The examples of vaallabhya are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., devotion.

Rulers built temples to demonstrate their devotion to various deities.

Such intense devotion or love of God is the legacy of various kinds of bhakti and Sufi movements that have evolved since the eighth century.
Others felt attracted to the idea of a Supreme God who could deliver humans from such bondage if approached with devotion (or bhakti).
According to him the best means of attaining salvation was through intense devotion to ishnu.
They rejected outward religiosity and emphasised love and devotion to God and compassion towards all fellow human beings.
Tulsidas's composition, the Ramcharitmanas, written in Awadhi (a language used in eastern Uttar Pradesh), is important both as an expression of his devotion and as a literary work.
Also contemporary was Shankaradeva of Assam (late fifteenth century) who emphasised devotion to ishnu, and composed poems and plays in Assamese.
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