vimaasanaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word vimaasanaa usage in english sentences. The examples of vimaasanaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., consider, consult, talk, talk over, discuss, kick around, kick about, debate, contemplate, sink, think of, dwell on, chew, calculate, sleep on, conceive, dwell upon, be under the impression that, hit on, play with, regard, think, hit upon, count, fancy, form, float, suppose, imagine, powwow.

Hills, mountains and seas form the natural frontiers of the subcontinent.पहाड़ियाँ, पर्वत और समुद्र इस उपमहाद्धीप की प्राकृतिक सीमा का निमार्ण करते हैं|

Do you think cloth is found frequently by archaeologists?क्या पुरातत्त्वविदों को बहुधा कपड़ों के अवशेष मिलते होंगे?
As grain had to be stored for both food and seed, people had to think of ways of storing it.अनाज को भोजन और बीज, दोनों ही रूपों में बचा कर रखना आवश्यक था, इसलिए लोगों को इसके भंडारण की बात सोचनी पड़ी|
Do you think hunter-gatherers would have made and used pots?क्या तुम्हें लगता है कि शिकारी या भोजन-संगह्र करने वाले बतर्न बनाते और उनका प्रयोग करते होंगे?
People belief that there is some form of life after death.लोगों की आस्था है कि मृत्यु के बाद भी जीवन होता है|
These functions are planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling which we will discuss later in the chapter and the book.
Experts in their respective areas have derived certain basic principles which are applicable to a particular form of art.
For example, all of us discuss sports like cricket and soccer using a common vocabulary.
It has also been observed that there has been an increase in the corporate form of business on the one hand and increasing emphasis on managed business concerns.
As boundaries between cultures and nations get blurred and new communication technology makes it possible to think of the world as a global village , the scope of international and intercultural relationships is rapidly expanding.
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