visphuta example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word visphuta usage in english sentences. The examples of visphuta are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., explicit, lucid, unambiguous, articulate, prominent, vivid, candid, categorical, emphatic, obvious, bald, noticeable, observable, bold, graphic, marked, trenchant, manifest, unmistakeable, pointed, craggy, clear cut, glaring, crystal clear, unequivocal, unmistakable, transparent, well marked, distinct, unwrapped, unsealed, unfastened, gaping, unbuttoned, unfixed, explain, voiced, developed, advanced, flowering, efflorescent, abloom, open.

About 2500 years ago, cities developed on the banks of the Ganga and its tributaries, and along the seacoasts.गंगा व इसकी सहायक नदियों के किनारे तथा समुद्र तटवर्त्ती इलाकों में नगरों का विकास लगभग 2500 वर्ष पूर्व हुआ|

The effect of management is noticeable in an organisation where targets are met according to plans, employees are happy and satisfied, and there is orderliness instead of chaos.
Principles based on experimen-tation: Scientific principles are first developed through observation and then tested through repeated experimentation under controlled conditions.
It has its own theory and principles that have developed over a period of time, but it also draws on other disciplines such as Economics, Sociology, Psychology and Mathematics.
However, it does have some of the features of a profession: All over the world there is marked growth in management as a discipline.
Middle management is responsible for implementing and controlling plans and strategies developed by top management.
Suhasini s design team developed some prints for bedcovers in bright colours on silk.
According to these plans the organisational structure is developed and staffed.
understand psychological attributes on which people differ from each other, learn about different methods that are used to assess psychological attributes, explain what constitutes intelligent behaviour, learn how psychologists assess intelligence to identify mentally challenged and gifted individuals, understand how intelligence has different meaning in different cultures, and understand the difference between intelligence and aptitude.
Personality refers to relatively enduring characteristics of a person that make her or him distinct from others.
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