va?ta example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest वृत va?ta news and headlines :
आंध्र प्रदेश में कक्षा आठ में पढ़ने वाली 13 वर्षीय छात्रा की 68 दिन का निर्जला वृत पूरा करने के बाद मौत हो गई पहली बार मार्च तक डिस्कॉम के सभी वृत टारगेट में 96 प्रतिशत पार आचार्य द्विवेदी के जीवन वृत पर जारी हुई वेबसाइट LiveHindustanUsage and Example of va?ta 1. वृत का अर्धव्यास तय कर रहा है। 2. ‘‘तू हमेशा यह बृहस्पतिवार का वृत रखती है ? 3. वृत के फैलने की सीमा। 4. दिनेश मीणा, वृत निरीक्षक, कोतवाली, झालावाड़। 5. इसके बाद पुलिस उपाधीक्षक ताराचन्द भदोरिया व अटरू के वृत निरीक्षक मानाराम गर्ग अतिरिक्त जाप्ते के साथ आटोन पहंुचे।

Given are the examples of hindi word va?ta usage in english sentences. The examples of va?ta are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., clad, recognised, recognized, accepted, goal, home, rotund, circular, round, ball shaped, spherical, elect, covered.

For example, the goal of a retail store may be to increase sales, but the goal of The Spastics Society of India is to impart education to children with special needs.

The task of a manager is to give a common direction to the individual effort in achieving the overall goal of the organisation.
The first dabbawalla picks up the tiffin from home and takes it to the nearest railway station.
By mid-morning, thousands of dabbawallas are bicycling through the streets of Mumbai, ensuring a hot home cooked lunch for their customers.
She improvises new ways of helping her mother at home and comes up with new ways of doing her work and assignments.
Hamel had new copies for us, written in a beautiful round hand France, Alsace, France, Alsace.
Can such a conception be accepted today? In any case, can we refer to any period of history as Hindu or Muslim ? Did not a variety of faiths exist simultaneously in these periods? Why should we characterise an age only through the religion of the rulers of the time? To do so is to suggest that the lives and practices of the others do not really matter.
There are today more than 700 consumer groups in the country of which only about 20-25 are well organised and recognised for their work.
The towns on the west coast were home to Arab, Persian, Chinese, Jewish and Syrian Christian traders.
Archaeologists have found the Mahanavami platform where the king received guests and accepted tribute from subordinate chiefs.
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