shayaateena example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word shayaateena usage in english sentences. The examples of shayaateena are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., devil, demon, nasty, satan, mischievous, fiend.

''Why the devil did I take that fellow's money?'' he thought.

] He's coming, and so on, devil take him! Ouf! Talk to him yourself; I don't want to.
There's some demon of contradition in you today, Ivan assilevitch.
where am I? Hurry up and get married and — well, to the devil with you! She's willing! [He puts Lomov's hand into his daughter's] She's willing and all that.
For example, if we see a person A hitting another person B, as observers we may explain the hitting behaviour by saying that A hit B because A is a hottempered person, which is an internal (personality-related) cause, or that A hit B because B behaved in a nasty way, which is an external, situational cause.
“Why should anyone bother? You've seen what a nasty bear he is,” 1 said.
One ancient theory that is still encountered today holds that abnormal behaviour can be explained by the operation of supernatural and magical forces such as evil spirits (bhoot-pret), or the devil (shaitan).
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