shishtata example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest शिष्टता shishtata news and headlines :
1. अमिताभ बच्चन बोले, मौजूदा समय में नहीं दिखती शिष्टता ibnlive.com2. अमिताभ बच्चन बोले, मौजूदा समय में नहीं दिखती शिष्टता ibnlive.com3. सुचित्रा सौंदर्य, प्रतिभा और शिष्टता की साक्षात मिसाल LiveHindustan
4. मेरी शिष्टता को कमजोरी ना समझें अधिकारी: मुख्यमंत्री LiveHindustanUsage and Example of shishtata 1. वह शिष्टता और शील के बाहर की बात थी। 2. कन्या का पिता वर के पांव पूजे यह तो न शिष्टता है, न धर्म, न मर्यादा। 3. हिन्दुसतानी स्त्रियों को देखकर मुझे उनसे घृणा होती थी, उनमें शिष्टता न थी। 4. एक वर्ग के लिए जो शिष्टता है दूसरे के लिए वही धृष्टता की श्रेणी में आ जाती है। 5. उसने बताया कि ईमानदारी ,शिष्टता और सहयोगी स्वभाव के कारण उसे अक्सर ईनाम मिलते रहते हैं ।

Given are the examples of hindi word shishtata usage in english sentences. The examples of shishtata are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., politeness, civilization, manner, grace, elegance, comity, culture, niceness, urbanity, civility, complaisance, polish.

Management helps in achieving personal objectives: A manager motivates and leads his team in such a manner that individual members are able to achieve personal goals while contributing to the overall organisational objective.

However, what makes the composition of a musician unique or different is his use of these notes in a creative manner that is entirely his own interpretation.
A manager applies this acquired knowledge in a personalised and skillful manner in the light of the realities of a given situation.
f you observe your friends, classmates or relatives, you will find how they differ from each other in the manner they perceive, learn, and think, as also in their performance on various tasks.
A person, who is generally aggressive, may behave in a submissive manner in the presence of her/his top boss.
Sternberg views intelligence as the ability to adapt, to shape and select environment to accomplish one s goals and those of one s society and culture .
Depending upon the extent to which an intelligence test favours one culture over another, it can be judged as either culturefair or culture-biased.
Many intelligence tests show a bias to the culture in which they are developed.
n such tests, items are constructed in a manner that they assess experiences common to all cultures or have questions in which language usage is not required.
ygotsky, a Russian psychologist, has argued that culture provides a social context in which people live, grow, and understand the world around them.
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