sankochee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of sankochee 1. इस समय संकोची और संवेदनशील माने जाने वाले सर्प मनुष्य से टकरा ही जाते हैं। 2. ’ शरद बोला, ‘तब हम संकोची बहुत थे। 3. और वह आज भी पछताता है कि क्यों था संकोची तब ? 4. दुर्योधन संकोची अधो-वस्त्र लगाया। 5. और विजय इतने संकोची कि न कुछ कर पाए होंगे, न कुछ कह पाए होंगे।

Given are the examples of hindi word sankochee usage in english sentences. The examples of sankochee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., shy, hesitant, inhibited, diffident, bashful, mousy, retiring, self conscious, stolid, modest.

In general snakes are shy and will simply leave if you give them a chance.

United won two-nil and Casey drove in the second goal, a blend of innocence and Irish genius, going round the two big defenders on the edge of the penalty area, with her father screaming for him to pass, and beating the hesitant goalkeeper from a dozen yards.
The retiring of a bill draws a curtain on the bill transactions before the expiry of its normal term.
One is not always cautious or impulsive, shy or friendly.
In short, task performance can be facilitated and improved, or inhibited and worsened by the presence of others.
The stigma attached to mental illness means that people are hesitant to consult a doctor or psychologist because they are ashamed of their problems.
In the next few months, these attacks increased and now he was hesitant to drive for fear of being caught in traffic during an attack.
संबंधित शब्द संकोची के पर्यायवाची संकोची के विपरीत शब्द