samavahaara example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word samavahaara usage in english sentences. The examples of samavahaara are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., dump, mound, slew, agglomeration, book, drift, bunch, pile, lump, crowd, lot, rick, collection, mass, stack, bank, star sign, zodiac, pile, sum, coverage, sign, pencil, figure, amount, excess, amplitude, quantity, exuberance, multiplicity, overflow, cushion, copiousness, plethora, lashings, lashing, teemingness, overabundance, fullness, unstintingly, superabundance, plentifulness, abundance, jumble, welter, magnitude, dimension, value, mass.

Where is the book? Book is on the table.पुस्तक कहाँ है? पुस्तक मेज़ पर है|

She has to plan a special festive collection for Diwali and Christmas.
, effectiveness) with the least amount of resources at a minimum cost (i.
Management is a group activity: An organisation is a collection of diverse individuals with different needs.
This refers to consistently creating economic value for various constituents of society.
Online transactions are captured to reward farmers for volume and value of usage.
There is a lot of literature available in various areas of management like marketing, finance and human resources which the manager has to specialise in.
To be able to fulfill that responsibility he is assigned a certain amount of authority or the right to take a decision.
The quality of workmanship and the quantity of output depends on the hard work, discipline and loyalty of the workers.
Suhasini plans her winter collection in the month of June itself.
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