surur example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest सुरुर surur news and headlines :
1. होली के सुरुर में भूत की बात पर चली लाठी LiveHindustan2. अरिजीत युवाओं पर अपने सुरुर का असर सोमवार को म्यूजिकल परफॉर्मेंस के दौरान छोड़ गए

Given are the examples of hindi word surur usage in english sentences. The examples of surur are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., joy.

The season of joy commences from September and continues till March.

The number of poems has been increased to help learners explore this great source of language, derive the joy of learning through poetry, and understand the music of words.
Watching nature in any form, whether it is a quietly flowing river, a smiling flower, or a tranquil mountain top, provides a kind of joy that cannot be matched by any other experience.
Besides, novels allowed individuals the pleasure of reading in private, as well as the joy of publicly reading or discussing stories with friends or relatives.
The world had, of course, never been very kind to him, so it gave him unwonted joy to think ill of it in this way.
It ruined my fishing trips; deprived me of the joy of canoeing, boating, and swimming.
Maslow had an optimistic and positive view of man who has the potentialities for love, joy and to do creative work.
The sight of golden fields of standing crop, laden with grain, fills the hearts of farmers with joy and a sense of well-being.
The period of harvest is, thus, of great joy and happiness in all parts of India.
The sight of the bus, filled each time with a new set of passengers, was a source of unending joy for alli.
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