svaynprabhu example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word svaynprabhu usage in english sentences. The examples of svaynprabhu are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., god, lord, providence.

Special low-priced student edition, in connection with the 50th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution , I paid fifty paise and picked up a copy of the book, The God That Failed.

I got up and went out to the veranda for a little air, but the wind god seemed to have taken time off.
Lencho is a farmer who writes a letter to God when his crops are ruined, asking for a hundred pesos.
Does Lencho's letter reach God? Does God send him the money? Think what your answers to these questions would be, and guess how the story continues, before you begin to read it.
” The woman who was preparing supper, replied, “Yes, God willing”.
A far-seeing ruler like the brave Tipu of Mysore fought the British till he died figurehting! Thank God, there is peace in the country now! No more wars and no looting by thugs ! It is God who sent the British! Our destiny is linked with them! How did Indians react to these conquests? The Company's conquests (1757-1849) The white man has killed or dethroned our kings.
Mazzini believed that God had intended nations to be the natural units of mankind.
''Yes, God knows things have gone downhill with me'', he said.
You'll let me go, and thank God you didn't shoot sooner.
May God give you both — His help and His love and so on, and so much hope.
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