svaapta example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word svaapta usage in english sentences. The examples of svaapta are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., numerous, too, so much, dearly, plentifully, quite a lot of, so many, no end, not half, thick on the ground, savage, all the, bitter, well, considerably, stiff, in the extreme, vital, hard, high, great, skilled, efficient, master, proficient, masterful, neat, skillful, masterlyl, ace, safe, practisced, practised, expert, skilful, astute, shrewd, clever, canny, adroit, resourceful, quick witted, able, politic.

Some of the earliest people who lived here were skilled gatherers, — that is, people who gathered their food.यहाँ रहने वाले आरंभिक लोगों में से कुछ कुशल संग्राहक थे जो आस-पास के जंगलों की विशाल संपदा से परिचित थे|

The hills and high mountains including the Himalayas, deserts, rivers and seas made journeys dangerous at times, but never impossible.कभी-कभी हिमालय जैसे ऊँचे पर्वतों, पहाड़ियों, रेगिस्तान, नदिेयों तथा समुद्रों के कारण यात्रा जोखिम भरी होती थी, फिर भी ये यात्रा उनके लिए असंभव नहीं थीं|
Inscriptionsare writings on relatively hard surfaces such as stone or metal.अभिलेख पत्थर अथवा धातु जैसी अपेक्षाकृत कठोर सतहों पर उत्कीर्ण किए गए मिलते हैं|
Can you tell the advantages of writing on a hard surface?क्या तुम बता सकती हो कि कठोर सतह पर लेख लिखवाने के क्या लाभ थे?
if they had stayed at one place for a long time, they would have eaten up all the available plant and animal resources.अगर वे एक ही जगह पर ज़्यादा दिनों तक रहते तो आस-पास के पौधों, फलों और जानवरों को खाकर समाप्त कर देते थे|
Virtually all the plant and animal produce that we use as food today is a result of domestication.वास्तव में आज हम जो भोजन करते हैं वो इसी बसने की प्रक्रिया की वजह से है|
If animals are looked after carefully, then they multiplies naturally as well as provide milk, which is an important source of food, and meat.अगर जानवरों की देखभाल की जाए तो उनकी संख्या तो बढ़ती ही है साथ ही उनसे दूध भी प्राप्त हो सकता है जो भोजन का एक अच्छा स्रोत है|
Under the able direction of its founding fathers it commenced global operations in the US in 1988.
According to Shiv Nadar, the future belongs to the global enterprise which is able to transform itself according to the challenges of global economy.
It has a complex organisation structure in which actual production is in the hands of several skilled artisans and marketing is done by staff at branches such as the one managed by Suhasini.
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