svaabhaaviketara example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word svaabhaaviketara usage in english sentences. The examples of svaabhaaviketara are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., unnatural, monstrous, unnaturalized, unnaturalised, artificial, simulated, imitation, strained, cultured, prosthetic, forced, faux, factitious, synthetic, unreal, prosthesis, mannered, set.

It took years of struggle before the company was forced to accept that it had been making false claims.

In this way many a times you are forced to buy things that you may not wish to and you are left with no choice.
However, the European Companies used their naval power to gain control of the sea trade and forced Indian traders to work as their agents.
So if a political party is motivated only by desire to be in power, even then it will be forced to serve the people.
Even if a shopkeeper is interested only in his profit, he is forced to give good service to the customers.
A Famine is characterised by wide spread deaths due to starvation and epidemics caused by forced use of contaminated water or decaying food and loss of body resistance due to weakening from starvation.
We managed to survive only because of our superior technology, but we were forced to live underground under artificial conditions.
To increase production of fish, they can be cultured in marine and inland ecosystems.
Chennai is one of the oldest artificial ports of the country.
The invention of vulcanised rubber led to the introduction of pads in 1848 and protective gloves soon afterwards, and the modern game would be unimaginable without helmets made out of metal and synthetic lightweight materials.
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