hastavat example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word hastavat usage in english sentences. The examples of hastavat are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., astute, shrewd, clever, canny, adroit, resourceful, quick witted, able, politic, skilled, efficient, master, proficient, masterful, neat, skillful, masterlyl, ace, safe, practisced, practised, expert, skilful, good, mavin, whizz, ingenious, wiz, champion, maven, adept, well versed, genius, past master, crack, virtuoso, talented, whiz, wizard.

Some of the earliest people who lived here were skilled gatherers, — that is, people who gathered their food.यहाँ रहने वाले आरंभिक लोगों में से कुछ कुशल संग्राहक थे जो आस-पास के जंगलों की विशाल संपदा से परिचित थे|

As stone tools were important, people tried to find places where good quality stone was easily available.चूंकि पत्थर के उपकरण बहुत महत्वपूर्ण थे इसलिए लोग ऐसी जगह ढूँढ़ते रहते थे, जहाँ अच्छे पत्थर मिल सकें|
Is good quality butter available here?क्या यहाँ अच्छा मक्खन मिलता है?
Under the able direction of its founding fathers it commenced global operations in the US in 1988.
According to Shiv Nadar, the future belongs to the global enterprise which is able to transform itself according to the challenges of global economy.
It has a complex organisation structure in which actual production is in the hands of several skilled artisans and marketing is done by staff at branches such as the one managed by Suhasini.
Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Management is defined as t he process of planning, organising, actuating and controlling an organisation s operations in order to achieve coordination of the human and material resources essential in the effective and efficient attainment of objectives.
, being efficient or as we say doing work efficiently.
Obviously, management is concerned with the efficient use of these resources, because they reduce costs and ultimately lead to higher profits.
The manager is able to produce 5000 units but at a higher production cost.
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