Meaning of giraphtar karna in english

Interpreting giraphtar karna - गिरफ्तार करना
As noun : do Ex:  Alright,I should do this way.
cop Ex:  He f lipped off the cop . run in Ex:  Masked & Anonymous had a limited run in theaters capture Ex:  His forces then spread north to capture all
As verb : apprehend Ex:  This is a matter that we apprehend suites take Ex:  Cant you take a joke? pull in collar Ex:  A shirt collar that folds on shoulders
Other : pick up Ex:  The hedgehog, the caterpillar as soon as you pick up the key collar Ex:  A sequined collar capture Ex:  After the capture of Washington arrest Ex:  Colorado and arrest Haywood, Moyer, and George Pettibone. to arrest Ex:  He fired on the party sent to arrest him, and was killed by the return fire. commit Ex:  Howard did not commit to serving a full term if he won the election. pick up Ex:  This wallpaper is off, you must pick up the
Suggested : to take by force or stratagem take prisoner seize to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action to catch nab to take into custody arrest by legal warrant or authority to perform (an act, duty, role, etc)
Exampleगिरफ्तार करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of giraphtar karna Antonyms of giraphtar karna

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Usage of गिरफ्तार करना:
1. पुलिस के वरीय अधिकारियों की प्राथमिकता दवा व्यापारी में फरार चल रहे अपराधी मुकेश राकेश को गिरफ्तार करना है bhaskar.com2. पुलिस को कार्यकर्ताओं को गिरफ्तार करना पड़ा jagran.com3. सरकार लोगों को गिरफ्तार करना बंद करे bhaskar.comRelated words :
Other : 
गिरफ्तार करनापकड़ना -
giraphtar karna can be used as noun, verb, transitive verb or intransitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 13 including consonants matras. Transliteration : giraphtaara karanaa

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