Meaning of golak in english

Interpreting golak - गोलक
As noun : money box उ:   नेत्र गोलक फोटो कैमरा के समान है।
an ace in the hole उ:   जब हम गोलक को छोड़ते हैं तो गोलक इधर उधर झूलने लगता है। till Ex:  He is purported to have said, "Tell her to wait a moment till I'm done". ball Ex:  Will you play ball with us? Lit . balloon Ex:  A polar exploration balloon box Ex:  She ripped away the box and opened it .
Other : eyeball Ex:  The eyeball vault (of the sky round lump eye Ex:  Ben Jonson described it as Britain's other eye spherule sphere Ex:  The sphere displayed a young man with a strong resemblance to Tidus
Suggested : a container, case, or receptacle, usually rectangular, of wood, metal, cardboard, etc, and often with a lid or removable cover a bag made of thin rubber or other light material, usually brightly colored, inflated with air or with some lighter-than-air gas and used as a children's plaything or as a decoration a spherical or approximately spherical body or shape sphere up to the time of until a cashbox
Exampleगोलक का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of golak Antonyms of golak

Word of the day
golak can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : golaka

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