Meaning of greeshm shivir sanchalak,grishm shivir sanchalak in english

Interpreting greeshm shivir sanchalak,grishm shivir sanchalak - ग्रीष्म शिविर संचालक
As noun : counsellor
counselor Ex:  The judge, counselor aptly reported the fact and arguments of the parties
Suggested : a person who counsels adviser a person who counsels adviser
Exampleग्रीष्म शिविर संचालक का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of greeshm shivir sanchalak,grishm shivir sanchalak Antonyms of greeshm shivir sanchalak,grishm shivir sanchalak

Word of the day
greeshm shivir sanchalak,grishm shivir sanchalak can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 20 including consonants matras. Transliteration : griiShma shivira sa.nchaalaka

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