Meaning of (घिनौना) ghinauna in english

As noun : disgusting Ex:  , This is to induce vomiting, this is very disgusting उ:   इनका रूप घिनौना और भयंकर बताया जाता है।
yucky vile Ex:  Feeling noble, high, generous, down, cowardly, vile revolting Ex:  Victor finds this revolting and runs out of the room in terror. skanky disgustful repelling Ex:  After repelling Ottoman attacks for over 70 years repellant repellent Ex:  It also means figuratively Who keeps people at a distance, repellent familiarity abhorrence
As verb : sickening Ex:  The bus hit the truck with a sickening crash.
As adjective : despicable Ex:  Collective name that designates What is most vile and despicable of the populace in repulsive Ex:  It also tells of Things and signifies who is vile, repulsive ugly Ex:  C 'is a true remedy for love, says a very ugly woman repugnant Ex:  , This repugnant ago in what it says something repugnant, This contradicts itself, there is some contradiction in what he says unworthy Ex:  Using such a beautiful talent at such an unworthy use, it is a desecration, a real desecration obscene Ex:  Description obscene matter wretched execrable Ex:  Ravaillac, this execrable parricide odious Ex:  It also means What makes an odious action wrong, or This action itself slimy Ex:  Mood slimy abhorrent detestable Ex:  A detestable style abominable Ex:  A abominable smell worthless hateful Ex:  By analogy, this is a prison, it is a stay hateful
Other : loathsome very ugly Ex:  He is ugly as sin, said of a very ugly man obnoxious nauseating Ex:  Botanical brown root of a pungent, nauseating taste of the Rubiaceae family, South America and one uses in medicine
Suggested : very unattractive or unpleasant to look at offensive to the sense of beauty displeasing in appearance disgusting repulsive causing repugnance or aversion wretchedly bad to cause loathing or nausea in
Exampleघिनौना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

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Usage of घिनौना:
1. एक सिरफिरे-आशिक मिजाज युवक ने महिलाओं से बातचीत करने के लिए ऐसा घिनौना तरीका अपनाया, जिसे जानकर आप भी हैरान हो जाएंगे jagran.com2. लुटेरों ने महिला की हत्या के बाद किया घिनौना काम jagran.com3. फेसबुक पर दोस्ती कर जाल में फंसाया, फिर लगाया घिनौना आरोप
(घिनौना) ghinauna can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of suffix at the end of the word originated from modification of Hindi language by locals . Transliteration : ghinaunaa

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