Meaning of (इश्तियाल) ishtiyala in english

As noun : solicit Ex:  It is unfortunate to be reduced to solicit third quarter and
arouse Ex:  I could not arouse her from her sleep . feed Ex:  To feed the shrimp larvae, an algal bloom is induced in the tanks. incite urge Ex:  The Knights and Titurel urge Amfortas to reveal the Grail fuel Ex:  Extra fuel was released from the plane in midair . raise Ex:  Government resorts to lottery to raise money for development purposes.
Who will get what may be decided by lottery.
put up to charge up needle Ex:  Please don't needle me about Jane . inflame spark Ex:  However, he noticed that the maximum spark length was reduced when in the box. get a rise out of pick Ex:  Don't pick at the bookbinding . bring Ex:  Teacher asked the students to bring corporeal needs to the picnic. lobe Ex:  The lobe was imperfectly developed blaze Ex:  The blaze of the sun, a meteor ear lobe tongue Ex:  Clean your tongue well. blaze Ex:  The blaze of the sun, a meteor flame Ex:  The devouring flame
As verb : stoke

Word of the day
(इश्तियाल) ishtiyala Transliteration : ishtiyaala

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