Meaning of janakaree dena,janakari dena in english

Interpreting janakaree dena,janakari dena - जानकारी देना
As noun : feedback Ex:  Beyond the common element of visual feedback
gen familiarize with wise Ex:  A real wise soul independent, self-character clue in
As verb : fill in on enlighten Ex:  enlighten a bright light inform Ex:  Education can also inform people to cover over areas of stangnant
Suggested : anything that serves to guide or direct in the solution of a problem, mystery, etc having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion to give intellectual or spiritual light to instruct impart knowledge to Military, General Electronics
the process of returning part of the output of a circuit, system, or device to the input, either to oppose the input (negative feedback) or to aid the input (positive feedback)
Exampleजानकारी देना का हिन्दी मे अर्थAntonyms of janakaree dena,janakari dena

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Usage of जानकारी देना:
1. यह भी सोचो कि संभावित सूखे की जानकारी देना भी केंद्र सरकार की जिम्मेदारी है bhaskar.com2. शुक्ला पॉवर पाइंट प्रजेंटेशन से सफाई व्यवस्था की जानकारी देना चाहते थे bhaskar.com3. स्टिंग ऑपरेशन के आधार पर ये आरोप लगाए - अनिल राऊ थाने में एसआई आरएस यादव से मिले और बताया कि मजदूरों की जानकारी देना है
janakaree dena,janakari dena can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 12 including consonants matras. Transliteration : jaanakaarii denaa

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