Meaning of jaharila in english

Interpreting jaharila - ज़हरीला
As adjective : poisonous Ex:  Both are poisonous and potentially deadly. उ:   यह जहरीला तथा विस्फोटक गुण वाला है।
deadly Ex:  A deadly climate
Other : virulent उ:   यह एक जहरीला पदार्थ है। venomous Ex:  There are a number of venomous fish उ:   कीटनाशक और खाद का प्रयोग खेती में करने से फसल जहरीला होता। toxic Ex:  The ammonia that is produced is toxic to the epithelial cells उ:   वे गुप्त रूप से गिजेला को जहरीला सेब देने आते हैं। poisonous Ex:  A number of plants are poisonous to guinea pigs venomous Ex:  There are a number of highly venomous species
Suggested : causing or tending to cause death fatal lethal (of an animal) having a gland or glands for secreting venom able to inflict a poisoned bite, sting, or wound full of or containing poison
Exampleज़हरीला का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
jaharila can be used as adjective. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. Transliteration : jahariilaa

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