Meaning of jhanajhanahat in english

Interpreting jhanajhanahat - झनझनाहट
As noun : clinking उ:   रोज सुबह और शाम घंटियों की झनझनाहट से गूंज उठता है ।
jangle उ:   सायटिका में पैरों में झनझनाहट होती है तथा खाल चढ़ने लगती है। clink Ex:  , The ears have you had good corner, you clink We talked a lot about you, we have often spoken of you in your absence clank clanking clash Ex:  PARKING If storing means to one side to let a train, a boat, a car and avoid a clash clatter
As verb : jingle
Suggested : a sharp, hard, nonresonant sound , like that produced by two pieces of metal striking, one against the other a sharp, hard, nonresonant sound , like that produced by two pieces of metal striking, one against the other to make or cause to make a light, sharp, ringing sound to produce a harsh, discordant sound , as two comparatively small, thin, or hollow pieces of metal hitting together to make or cause to make a light, sharp, ringing sound
Exampleझनझनाहट का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of jhanajhanahat Antonyms of jhanajhanahat

Word of the day
jhanajhanahat can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender . Transliteration : jhanajhanaahaTa

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