Meaning of jhumaka in english

Interpreting jhumaka - झुमका
As noun : drop Ex:  It should drop this, it is necessary to prevent that there be careful, there seem no attention himself
As verb : bob
Other : pendant (of an ear-ring etc pendant Ex:  It also says a net cords Species pendant is covered with the horses in the fly season
Suggested : a short, jerky motion a hanging ornament, as an earring or the main piece suspended from a necklace a small quantity of liquid that falls or is produced in a more or less spherical mass a liquid globule
Exampleझुमका का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of jhumaka Antonyms of jhumaka

Word of the day
Usage of झुमका:
1. सोनम ने अबु जानी संदीप खोसला द्वारा डिजाइन की गई खूबसूरत साड़ी पहनी थी और साथ में गोल्‍डन झुमका व मैचिंग एंटिक गोल्‍ड नेकलेस उनकी खूबसूरती को और भी बढ़ा रहे थे jagran.com2. तेरा मेरा प्यार अमर से झुमका गिरा रे तक छाई रहीं साधना LiveHindustan
jhumaka can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : jhumakaa

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