Meaning of (झलमलताई) jhalamalataee in english

As noun : sheen
luster Ex:  give luster to a fabric gloss Ex:  This gloss is more obscure than the text scintillation glitter twinkle light Ex:  As DNA is readily damaged by UV light glare luminosity glint lustre sparkle shine Ex:  The barometer announced shine flash shininess glimmer brightness Ex:  The sunrise, sunset cosmic of a star, Sunrise, sunset of a star that can be observed, but only calculated at because of the brightness of the sun too bright flouroscence highlight Ex:  The highlight of these efforts was the construction of Esplanade streak Ex:  Her winning streak continued with victories at Tokyo iridescence brilliance Ex:  Noise, outrageous brilliance from some unfortunate act beam Ex:  It is also said, in terms of war, carried by a beam the middle on a pivot and topped with amount of iron spikes, which served at the gates of the cities, to open and close the passage as it was necessary polish Ex:  Leave the polish a piece of metal blaze splendour
As adjective : refulgent
Suggested : to shine with a flickering gleam of light, as a star or distant light to reflect light with a brilliant, sparkling luster sparkle with reflected light the act of scintillating sparkling a superficial luster or shine glaze the state or quality of shining by reflecting light glitter, sparkle, sheen, or gloss
Exampleझलमलताई का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(झलमलताई) jhalamalataee can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender composed of suffix at the end of the word originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : jhalamalataaii

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