Meaning of (झाड़ना) jhadana in english

As verb : shed Ex:  Marine One who, in a port, is responsible for the buildings shed
Other :
to brush to chide to sweep to clean Ex:  fail a boat, a canoe which we want to clean the hull to reprimand to extort to grab Ex:  The four corners game in which four people going from one corner to another of a square space, while a fifth, placed in the middle, try to grab a corner when it is left empty to shake or knock off to hocus-pocus cleansing Ex:  These orders helped bring much needed spiritual cleansing to the church. wipe Ex:  It is sweaty, while water, we must wipe whisk
Suggested : to move with a rapid, sweeping stroke to rub lightly with or on a cloth, towel, paper, the hand, etc, in order to clean or dry the surface of to make clean a slight or rude structure built for shelter, storage, etc
Exampleझाड़ना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(झाड़ना) jhadana can be used as verb. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. Transliteration : jhaa.Danaa

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