Meaning of kanoonee drrishti se,kanunee drrishti se,kanooni drrishti se,kanoonee drishti se in english

Interpreting kanoonee drrishti se,kanunee drrishti se,kanooni drrishti se,kanoonee drishti se - कानूनी दृष्टि से
As adverb :
technically Ex:  Aeroplanes or airplanes are technically called fixed-wing aircraft.
Suggested : belonging or pertaining to an art , science, or the like
Exampleकानूनी दृष्टि से का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of kanoonee drrishti se,kanunee drrishti se,kanooni drrishti se,kanoonee drishti se

Word of the day
kanoonee drrishti se,kanunee drrishti se,kanooni drrishti se,kanoonee drishti se can be used as verb or adverb. No of characters: 16 including consonants matras. Transliteration : kaanuunii dRRiShTi se

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