Meaning of kendr bindu in english

Interpreting kendr bindu - केन्द्र बिन्दु
As noun : focal point Ex:  The centre and focal point of the building is marked by a pediment
focus Ex:  Yet in his focus on calendric details center Ex:  civic center pivot Ex:  In military maneuvers, resolutely Conversion, Celle whose pivot is fixed nub
Suggested : the point, gist, or heart of something a pin, point, or short shaft on the end of which something rests and turns, or upon and about which something rotates or oscillates Geometry the middle point, as the point within a circle or sphere equally distant from all points of the circumference or surface, or the point within a regular polygon equally distant from the vertices
Exampleकेन्द्र बिन्दु का हिन्दी मे अर्थAntonyms of kendr bindu

Word of the day
Usage of केन्द्र बिन्दु:
1. आज ग्लोबल डिप्लोमेसी एवं ग्लोबल पॉलिटिक्स में भारत एक केन्द्र बिन्दु के रूप में उभरा है
kendr bindu can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 14 including consonants matras. Transliteration : kendra bindu

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