Meaning of (मांगना) mangana in english

Other : to solicit उ:   तुझे जो मांगना हो, माँग ले।
to claim Ex:  Spain was the first European country to claim the territory of Texas. उ:   इसका उद्देश्य मात्र क्षमा मांगना व क्षमा करना है। crave उ:   अब जाति और धर्म के आधार पर वोट मांगना केंद्र बिंदु बन गया। to exact to require Ex:  Make RETURN means even with someone for something that was entitled to require it require Ex:  However, note also that these require a large total amount of energy. to demand Ex:  He watched his debtor to demand her money to ask Ex:  Yankovic stated that when he called Cobain to ask if he could parody the song solicit to implore to postulate to request Ex:  A Theban embassy was dispatched to Athens to request support to crave implore Ex:  O my God, I implore you ask Ex:  Yankovic stated that when he called Cobain to ask if he could parody the song to take Ex:  Sweden has pointedly failed to take necessary economic steps. seek Ex:  They sometimes seek to ensure that their belief is taught in science classes to seek Ex:  East Africa and the Middle East continue to seek work in Saudi Arabia. demand Ex:  If the demand starts at D2 take Ex:  Sweden has pointedly failed to take necessary economic steps. postulate claim Ex:  Spain was the first European country to claim the territory of Texas. request Ex:  A Theban embassy was dispatched to Athens to request support exact Ex:  While police officials and their critics disagree about exact figures invite call Ex:  It is said that even someone call to her aid, call for help, etc
Suggested : to put a question to inquire of to beg urgently or piteously, as for aid or mercy beseech entreat to seek for (something) by entreaty, earnest or respectful request, formal application, etc to have need of need to long for want greatly desire eagerly
Exampleमांगना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of मांगना:
1. जयललिता के स्वास्थ की जानकारी मांगना एक पब्‍लिसिटी स्टंट है: HClivehindustan.com2. पुरुषों के लिए कामेच्छा बढ़ाने के तो कई तरीके हैं लेकिन महिलाएं क्या करें हर महिला तो दुकान पर जाकर वायग्रा मांगना पसंद नहीं करती, ऐसे में खाने की ये चीजें उनकी कामेच्छा बढ़ा सकती हैंamarujala.com3. माफी मांगना और माफ करना दोनों ही मनुष्य के व्यक्तित्व को पूर्ण करने वाले तत्व हैं
(मांगना) mangana and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. Transliteration : maa.nganaa

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