Meaning of nibhana in english

Interpreting nibhana - निभाना
As noun : play Ex:  Close went on to play 22 Test matches for England उ:   इसके अनुसार समाज में हर व्यक्ति का एक किरदार है जो उसे निभाना चाहिए।
obey Ex:  Living organisms must obey the laws of thermodynamics carry Ex:  This makes them easy to carry in trailers or trucks and inexpensive to store. face up
As verb : fulfil उ:   भारतीय रिसर्व बैंक ने अपनी ज़िम्मेदारियों को ठीक से निभाना शुरू किया। keep Ex:  Administrators decided to keep the building open. perform Ex:  The initial plan was that they would perform the play in a "Negro dialect" get on Ex:  But he did not get on with them. stand by
Other : to accommodate Ex:  In terms of Case Law, Amiable composer, one who is responsible to accommodate a dispute, a lawsuit by the ways of gentleness and conciliation, without having to take the law as the basis of its decision to carry on to pull on to fulfil to accomplish Ex:  In order to accomplish this goal to perform Ex:  Moreover, the test itself is easy to perform and relatively cheap. maintain Ex:  We further maintain that it is her right standby Ex:  Whether I sleep or I standby serve Ex:  Sampras is considered by many to have had the best second serve in history.
Suggested : to carry out execute do to hold or retain in one's possession hold as one's own to take or support from one place to another convey transport to comply with or follow the commands, restrictions, wishes, or instructions of a dramatic composition or piece drama
Exampleनिभाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of nibhana Antonyms of nibhana

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Usage of निभाना:
1. टीवी की शर्मीली बहू गोपी उर्फ देबोलीना भट्टाचार्य को आपने 'साथ निभाना साथिया' सीरियल में बहुत सीधी-साधी बहू के किरदार में देखा होगा, लेकिन अब उसी सीधी-साधी बहू का ये हॉट अवतार देखकर आप चौंक जाएंगेlivehindustan.com2. टीवी की शर्मीलि बहु गोपी उर्फ देबोलीना भट्टाचार्य को आपने 'साथ निभाना साथिया' सीरियल में बहुत सीधी-साधी बहू के किरदार में देखा होगा, लेकिन अब उसी सीधी-साधी बहू का ये हॉट अवतार देखकर आप चौंक जाएंगेlivehindustan.com3. बॉलीवुड की जानी मानी एक्ट्रेस विद्या बालन का कहना है कि वह ट्रेजडी क्वीन मीना कुमारी का किरदार निभाना चाहती है
nibhana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : nibhaanaa

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