Meaning of nitamb in english

Interpreting nitamb - नितम्ब
As noun : butt Ex:  The assembled pipe butt उ:   नितम्ब तथा कंधे भूमि पर टिके हुए होम।
buttocks उ:   हाथ, पैर की अँगुलियाँ लम्बी नितम्ब पर मांसलगदी है। bottom Ex:  It is consumed openly, especially by the residents at the bottom of the canyon. hip Ex:  Adam and the Ants and Prince, blending their styles with elements of hip hop. buttock Ex:  There is only one buttock bum haunch Ex:  Venison haunch seat Ex:  Barcelona houses the seat of the Catalan government can Ex:  The can takes 4 litres of water.
Other : derriere nates sciatic huckle backside posterior Ex:  Anatomy posterior part of the foot rump
Suggested : Usually, buttocks
(in humans) either of the two fleshy protuberances forming the lower and back part of the trunk the projecting part of each side of the body formed by the side of the pelvis and the upper part of the femur and the flesh covering them haunch the lowest or deepest part of anything, as distinguished from the top Usually, buttocks
(in humans) either of the two fleshy protuberances forming the lower and back part of the trunk the end or extremity of anything, especially the thicker, larger, or blunt end considered as a bottom, base, support, or handle, as of a log, fishing rod, or pistol
Exampleनितम्ब का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of nitamb Antonyms of nitamb

Word of the day
nitamb can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. Transliteration : nitamba

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