Meaning of (ओभा) obha in english

As noun : grace Ex:  A gesture, a smile full of grace
splendour glow Ex:  firefly, insect Genre which casts a glow in the dark lustre sheen Ex:  After using the new detergent she got a new sheen in her clothes. luster Ex:  Hardwoods are more difficult to shape but have greater luster and longevity. gloss Ex:  However, his Rapanui gloss was "cowrie" . scintillation Ex:  Astronomy Having a scintillation movement glitter Ex:  Human careful its glitter and strong eager to please the ladies twinkle light Ex:  A light rail system in the Salt Lake Valley glare Ex:  glare luminosity Ex:  Changes in luminosity are common to all stars glint lustre sparkle Ex:  His eyes sparkle contentment shine Ex:  A light would shine in the box accompanied by a sound. flash Ex:  The heavy rain caused flash floods of the Choluteca river's tributaries shininess glimmer Ex:  A glimmer of truth begins to dawn brightness Ex:  In terms of Arts, GLOBE is said of a glass envelope or crystal, more or less spherical shape which is home to around a lamp to soften the brightness or certain objects like a clock to preserve the dust flouroscence highlight Ex:  2008, to highlight the Expo theme of "water and sustainable development". streak Ex:  Henin had built a 25-match Tier I winning streak and a 22-1 win-loss record . iridescence Ex:  Beautiful iridescence brilliance Ex:  be dazzled by the brilliance of grandeur, wealth beam Ex:  She's not on the beam yet . polish Ex:  A traditional polish is Brasso. blaze
As adjective : refulgent
Suggested : a superficial luster or shine glaze the state or quality of shining by reflecting light glitter, sparkle, sheen, or gloss a light emitted by or as if by a substance heated to luminosity incandescence brilliant or gorgeous appearance, coloring, etc magnificence elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action
Exampleओभा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(ओभा) obha can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : obhaa

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