Meaning of prayah in english

Interpreting prayah - प्रायः
As noun : mostly Ex:  The Upper House is mostly made up of appointed members . उ:   इसे प्रायः 'नेवार' या 'नेवारी' भी कहा जाता है।
a likely story उ:   प्रायः पालतू पशु ही पाए जाते हैं। much Ex:  Your inf luence is much in evidence . उ:   उनकी कविता में प्रायः सभी अलंकार पाए जाते हैं।
As adverb : often Ex:  She often wears gaiters in winter. उ:   इन्हें प्रायः घर की महिलाएँ बनाती हैं। frequently Ex:  Along with Li Bai , he is frequently called the greatest of the Chinese poets. उ:   कमल प्रायः संसार के सभी भागों में पाया जाता है। almost Ex:  The game's almost over, and it's a toss-up . उ:   प्रायः सभी का आदिकाल पन्द्रहवीं शती तक चलता है। nearly Ex:  I stayed on in Paris for nearly two years . उ:   प्रायः सब कवियों ने ब्रज-भाषा को अपनाया है।
Other : well-nigh उ:   प्रायः सभी गाँवों में हिन्दू और मुसलमान बसते हैं। usualy उ:   सोनभद्र प्रायः सोने नदी के किनारे बसा हुआ है।
Suggested : great in quantity, measure, or degree all but almost for the most part in the main many times frequently
Exampleप्रायः का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of prayah Antonyms of prayah

Word of the day
prayah can be used as noun, verb or adverb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Verb and/or Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : praayaH

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