Meaning of punah patan hona in english

Interpreting punah patan hona - पुनः पतन होना
As noun : lapse Ex:  It was healed, but he just had a relapse
relapse Ex:  It was healed, but he just had a relapse retrogress recidivate regress
As verb : fall back Ex:  Weeping Willow, willow species whose arms are longer and more flexible than those of ordinary willow and fall back to earth Who
Suggested : to move backward go back an act or instance of falling back to go backward into an earlier and usually worse condition to fall or slip back into a former state, practice, etc an accidental or temporary decline or deviation from an expected or accepted condition or state a temporary falling or slipping from a previous standard
Exampleपुनः पतन होना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of punah patan hona Antonyms of punah patan hona

Word of the day
punah patan hona can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 13 including consonants matras. Transliteration : punaH patana honaa

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