Meaning of (परिपूरण) paripoorana in english

As noun : replete
perfect Ex:  To Muslims, the Qur'an is perfect only as revealed in the original Arabic heal Ex:  Action to heal bundle Ex:  In terms of Pyrotechnics, fireworks Bouquet, rockets bunch, bundle of different fireworks that leave all feed Ex:  The products of these industries feed other industries . package Ex:  Team Fortress 2, and Portal in a package called The Orange Box. people Ex:  The doors opened and the people surged in . plug Ex:  The plug itself is round with two round pins measuring 4.8 × 19 mm pack in line Ex:  In 1916 the CPR replaced its line through Rogers Pass stink out run Ex:  During the Washington run of Porgy and Bess in 1936 silt up freight Ex:  Pacific National which operates most freight services wad stack crowd Ex:  At about five o'clock the crowd was cleared off somehow. shoot draw Ex:  In terms of fencing, it is said of a person who knows how to draw pack out charge Ex:  He also said an Office, a charge that was exercised one year in four pack Ex:  It has unleashed all his pack against me blow Ex:  Receiving a blow bind Ex:  It still means figuratively Maintain, maintain, increase, speaking of relationships, feelings that bind people to each other close Ex:  Historically and culturally, it has very close ties to the South. stop Ex:  In golf, the Barbados Open is an annual stop on the European Seniors Tour. flood Ex:  Catastrophism was favoured in England as supporting the Biblical flood fill up stuff Ex:  I prefer this stuff than the other
As verb : teeming Ex:  In a city teeming with ruins flushed finished Ex:  The team finished 3–12–1 supplement Ex:  Either follow a supplement perfect Ex:  To Muslims, the Qur'an is perfect only as revealed in the original Arabic fill Ex:  Crever a force to fill the bag load Ex:  The treatment works by reducing the viral load fill out close up fill in Ex:  He used to say Duties that each of us has to fill in the private and social life write out pump Ex:  It means more Who is ordinarily accompanied by religious ceremonies, surrounded by some pump
As adjective : rife plenary Ex:  Win a plenary indulgence to such a church fraught Ex:  Mickey Mantle's career was fraught with injury.
Suggested : a blush rosy glow Archaic filled or laden (with) full complete entire absolute unqualified abounding or swarming with something, as with people of common or frequent occurrence prevalent in widespread existence, activity, or use
Exampleपरिपूरण का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(परिपूरण) paripoorana can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : paripuuraNa

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