Meaning of rashee,rashi in english

Interpreting rashee,rashi - राशी
Other : quantum Ex:  Planck's and Einstein's theories were progenitors of quantum mechanics उ:   सन् २०१८ में यह राशी ७.५ लाख रुपये थी।
constellation Ex:  There are seven prominent stars in this constellation . उ:   दृष्टि कि राशी मकर है। pile उ:   मिथुन राशि ज्यौतिष के राशिचक्र में की तृतीय राशी है।
Suggested : an assemblage of things laid or lying one upon the other Astronomy
any of various groups of stars to which definite names have been given, as Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Boötes, Cancer, Orion quantity or amount
Exampleराशी का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of rashee,rashi

Word of the day
Usage of राशी:
1. वेस्टइंडीज ने खिताबी राशी का हिस्सा चैरिटी में दिया दानlivehindustan.com2. यह महीना वृश्चिक राशी के जातकों हेतु उत्तम होगा व्यापारिक लाभ के योग प्रबल हैंibnlive.comRelated words :
Other : 
राशीकृत पन्नी विधि - stacked foil method
rashee,rashi and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : raashii

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