Meaning of (राजस्थली) rajasthalee in english

As noun : executive Ex:  The executive branch includes a president and prime minister. उ:   आने वाली शताब्दियों के साथ यह शहर बडे-बडे राजवंशो की राजस्थली बना।
specific Ex:  The specific epithet, caerulea, which is Latin for blue, has remained. individual Ex:  These include: Film is a term that encompasses individual motion pictures special Ex:  Billie Piper recorded a special video introduction. particular Ex:  Of particular interest are Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics. class Ex:  A representative People, character that represents an entire class of individuals, a general type classic given Ex:  The terminology is generally given as ".
As adjective : characteristic Ex:  physiology phenomenon characteristic of an organic or functional disorder extraordinary Ex:  It was said previously, to the King, an annual fund that was devoted to some extraordinary expenses peculiar exceptional respective certain Ex:  It has since liberalised certain sectors of the economy. substaintial quaint
Suggested : beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established a single human being, as distinguished from a group having a special application, bearing, or reference specifying, explicit, or definite Also, characteristical pertaining to, constituting, or indicating the character or peculiar quality of a person or thing typical distinctive a person or group of persons having administrative or supervisory authority in an organization
Exampleराजस्थली का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(राजस्थली) rajasthalee can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : raajasthalii

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