Meaning of (रुसनाई) rusanaee in english

As noun : sheen
luster Ex:  Preparation made with wax and turpentine, which covers the floors and some wood furniture to give them luster polished gloss scintillation glitter twinkle light Ex:  A light vapor glare luminosity glint lustre sparkle shine flash shininess glimmer brightness flouroscence highlight Ex:  Massif mountains, heights grouped together around a highlight streak iridescence brilliance beam Ex:  Mettre a beam up polish blaze splendour lamp Ex:  , your fire, your lamp is dying focus Ex:  The Filson's extensive collections focus on Kentucky light Ex:  A light vapor gleam lightning fire Ex:  It also means figuratively Who is doing vehemently with fire to something tinge glow glory Ex:  The glory of the world is a very vain thing name Ex:  He also bestowed its name fame Ex:  This campaign brought more fame to Koniecpolski glory Ex:  The glory of the world is a very vain thing celebrity praise Ex:  I heard your praise to reputation Ex:  He recovered some of his reputation with The Corsican Brothers note Ex:  It is important to note that Seychelles is credit Ex:  For example, Amit sold goods to Rohit on credit for Rs . character Ex:  Each character can access as many as six dresspheres at a time repute honour/honor glory Ex:  The glory of the world is a very vain thing
As adjective : refulgent
Suggested : to shine with a flickering gleam of light, as a star or distant light to reflect light with a brilliant, sparkling luster sparkle with reflected light the act of scintillating sparkling a superficial luster or shine glaze the state or quality of shining by reflecting light glitter, sparkle, sheen, or gloss
Exampleरुसनाई का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(रुसनाई) rusanaee can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : rusanaaii

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