Meaning of sundar banana in english

Interpreting sundar banana - सुन्दर बनाना
As noun : beautify
As verb :
Other : to embellish to ornament Ex:  marmenteaux Wood, high forest trees in reserve, which is not cut and used to ornament a property beautified to beautify beautify embellish ornament Ex:  marmenteaux Wood, high forest trees in reserve, which is not cut and used to ornament a property better Ex:  Adverbial locution, which is hardly used in that sentence, something to Know original, The have learned from those who made it, who saw or who need to be better informed
Suggested : of superior quality or excellence an accessory, article, or detail used to beautify the appearance of something to which it is added or of which it is a part to beautify by or as if by ornamentation ornament adorn to make pretty , especially in a small, petty way
Exampleसुन्दर बनाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of sundar banana Antonyms of sundar banana

Word of the day
sundar banana can be used as verb. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 12 including consonants matras. Transliteration : sundara banaanaa

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